Welcome to Department of

Dr. Yambem Jina Chanu

Associate Professor and Head of Department
Computer Science and Engineering

Email: [email protected]

Paper Published

PhD GUIDED (as Supervisor)

Name of the Scholar

Enrolment no.

Title of the Thesis      





Sarungbam Bony


Speckle reduction of SAR images by using Expected Value in the Modified Non Local Mean Filter





Nameirakpam Dhanachandra


Development of novel image  segmentation methods using clustering techniques 






Rajkumari Bidyalakshmi 15PCS001 Discriminative Object Tracking via Subspace Representation with Superpixel Dimension Reduction CSE F.T 24/12/2020
Ratishchandra Huidrom 15PCS002 To Develop a Comoputer Aided Detection System on Computed Tomography for Lung Cancer. CSE F.T 22/7/2022
Usham Sanjota Chanu 19403001 Machine learning Approach for Detection of Distributed Denial of Service attack using dynamic and Ensembled feature Selection technique. CSE P.T 2/6/2023



SCI/SCIE Journals

NK Singh, YJ Chanu, H Pangsatabam , MECOS: A Bilingual Manipuri-English Spontaneous Code-Switching Speech Corpus for Automatic Speech Recognition, Computer Speech & Language, Feb. 20, 2024, pp. 101627, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csl.2024.101627.


SCI/SCIE Journals

  Usham Sanjota Chanu, Khundrakpam Johnson Singh, Yambem Jina Chanu, A dynamic feature selection technique to detect DDoS attack, Journal of Information Security and Applications,Volume74,2023,103445,ISSN 2214-2126,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jisa.2023.103445. [




SCI/SCIE Journals

1. Usham Sanjota Chanu, Khundrakpam Johnson Singh, Yambem Jina Chanu, "An ensemble method for feature selection and an integrated approach for mitigation of distributed denial of service attacks".12 March 2022. Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience,https://doi.org/10.1002/cpe.6919



SCI/SCIE Journals

1.Rajkumari Bidyalakshmi Devi, Yambem Jina Chanu, Khumanthem Manglem Singh, Discriminative object tracking with subspace representation, The Visual Computer,  37, 1207-1219m 2021 (Springer)


SCI/SCIE Journals


1. A new image segmentation approach using Clustering and Black hole algorithm. In: Computational Intelligence, 2020, pages 1-20. 

2.A Hybrid image segmentation algorithm using FCM and Dynamic Particle Swarm Optimization. In: Multimedia tools and Application, volume 79, pages 18839-18858.



SCI/SCIE Journals

1.Devi, Rajkumari Bidyalakshmi, Yambem Jina Chanu, and Khumanthem Manglem Singh. "Incremental online object tracking via superpixel dimension reduction." Signal, Image and Video Processing (2019): 1-8. (SCIE)

2.Huidrom, Ratishchandra, Yambem Jina Chanu, and Khumanthem Manglem Singh. "Pulmonary nodule detection on computed tomography using neuro-evolutionary scheme." Signal, Image and Video Processing 13.1 (2019): 53-60. (SCIE)

3. Bonny, Sarungbam, Yambem Jina Chanu, and Khumanthem Manglem Singh. "Speckle reduction of ultrasound medical images using Bhattacharyya distance in modified non-local mean filter." Signal, Image and Video Processing 13.2 (2019): 299-305. (SCIE)

4.Bonny, Sarungbam, Yambem Jina Chanu, and Khumanthem Manglem Singh. "Despeckling of SAR Images by Finding the Expected Values Using the Probability Distribution of Speckle." Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science 43.3 (2019): 1327-1336. (SCIE)


SCI/SCIE Journals

1. Chongtham, Chitralekha, MJ Sanada Khumanthem, Y. Jina Chanu, Neelima Arambam, Dalton Meitei, P. Roji Chanu, and Kh Manglem Singh. "A copyright protection scheme for videos based on the SIFT." Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical Engineering 42.1 (2018): 107-121. 

SCOPUS Journals

1. Huidrom, Ratishchandra, Yambem Jina Chanu, and Khumanthem Manglem Singh. "Automated Lung Segmentation on Computed Tomography Image for the Diagnosis of Lung Cancer." Computación y Sistemas 22.3 (2018).


SCI/SCIE Journals


SCOPUS Journals

1. Dhanachandra, Nameirakpam, and Yambem Jina Chanu. "A New Approach of Image Segmentation Method Using K-Means and Kernel Based Subtractive Clustering Methods." International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 12.20 (2017): 10458-10464. (SCOPUS)


1.Ratishchandra Huidrom, Yambem Jina Chanu, Khumanthem Manglem Singh, A fast automated lung segmentation method for the diagnosis of lung cancer, 2017 IEEE Region 10 Conference – TENCON, 1499–1502, 2017. (SCOPUS)


1. Devi, R. Bidyalakshmi, Y. Jina Chanu, and Kh Manglem Singh. "A Survey on Different Background Subtraction Method for Moving Object Detection." Int. Journal for Research in Emerging Science and Technology 3.10 (2016): 7D13.

2. Huidrom, Ratishchandra, Yambem Jina Chanu, and Khumanthem Manglem Singh. "A Study on Lung Segmentation for the Detection and Diagnosis of Lung Cancer." Int. Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering 6.11 (2016): 55-66.

3. Bonny, Sarungbam, and Yambem Jina Chanu. "Speckle Reduction in SAR Images by Using Homogeneity NeighShrink." European Journal of Engineering Research and Science 1.4 (2016): 9-14.



Scopus Journals

1. Dhanachandra, Nameirakpam, Khumanthem Manglem, and Yambem Jina Chanu. "Image segmentation using K-means clustering algorithm and subtractive clustering algorithm." Procedia Computer Science 54 (2015): 764-771. 

2. Dhanachandra, Nameirakpam, and Yambem Jina Chanu. "Image Segmentation Method Using K-Means Clustering Algorithm for Color Image." Advanced Research in Electrical and Electronic Engineering 2.11 (2015): 68-72.

 3. Devi, B. P., Singh, K. M., Roy, S., Chanu, Y. J., & Tuithung, T. "A watermarking scheme for digital images based on visual cryptography." Contemporary Engineering Sciences 8 (2015): 1517-1528. 


SCI/SCIE Journals

1. Singh, K. Manglem, Yambem Jina Chanu, and Themrichon Tuithung. "Steganalysis of±k steganography based on noncausal linear predictor." International Journal of Computers Communications & Control 9.5 (2014): 623-632. (SCIE)

Other Journals

 1. Chanu, Yambem Jina, Kh Manglem Singh, and Themrichon Tuithung. "A robust steganographic method based on singular value decomposition." Int. J. Inf. Comput. Technol 4.7 (2014): 717-726. 

 2. Chanu, Yambem Jina, Kh Manglem Singh, and Themrichon Tuithung. "Adaptive Edge Steganography for Images." International Journal of Information and Computation Technology 4.7 (2014): 777-786.


1. Chanu, Yambem Jina, Themrichon Tuithung, and Kh Manglem Singh. "A short survey on image steganography and steganalysis techniques." 2012 3rd National Conference on Emerging Trends and Applications in Computer Science. IEEE, 2012.

 2. Chanu, Yambem Jina, Kh Manglem Singh, and Themrichon Tuithung. "Image steganography and steganalysis: A survey." International Journal of Computer Applications 52.2 (2012).

 3. Chanu, Yambem Jina, Kh Manglem Singh, and Themrichon Tuithung. "Steganography Technique based on SVD." International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology (IJRET) 6 (2012): 293-297.

 4. Chanu, Yambern Jina, and Kh ThemrichonTuithung. "Manglem Singh,“." A Short Survey on Image Steganography and Steganalysis Techniques”, IEEE 3rd conference on Emerging Trends and Applications in Computer Science (NCETACS), Shillong. 2012.


Academic Information


Project Information

1. Title of the Project:To Develop an ASR systems for Manipuri Dialects

Principal Investigator:Prof. Khumanthem Manglem Singh

Co-Principal Investigator: Dr. Yambem Jina Chanu

Funding Agency: DST Manipur

Amount:Rs. 100,000/-

Year: 2018-2019

2. Title of the Project: A Novel TDNN-LiGRU approach for CS ASR Meiteilon/Manipuri English

Principal Investigator: Dr. Yambem Jina Chanu

Co-Principal Investigator : Prof. Khumanthem Manglem Singh

Funding Agency-(CRG) SERB, DST

Amount:Rs. 24,49832/-

Year: 2022-2025

3. Title of the Project: Speech Technologies in Indian Languages (Northeastern Languages)

Principal Investigator: Dr. Yambem Jina Chanu

Co-Principal Investigator: Prof. Khumanthem Manglem Singh

Funding Agency-MeiTy

Amount:Rs 24,00000/-


4.Title of the Project:To Develop an Artificial Intelligence(AI) based Meiteilon Speech to Meitei Mayek Script System.

Principal Investigator:Dr. Yambem Jina Chanu

Co-Principal Investigator: Prof. Khumanthem Manglem Singh

Funding Agency: DST Manipur

Amount:Rs. 90,000/-

Year: 2023-2024