PhD Scholer Current
Publication of Current Phd Scholers
Name: Ratishchandra Huidrom
Batch: 2015 Winter
Research Area: Medical Image Processing
List of Publication
- Ratishchandra Huidrom, Yambem Jina Chanu, Khumanthem Manglem Singh, "Pulmonary Nodule Detection on Computed Tomography using Neuro-Evolutionary Scheme.", Signal, Image and Video Processing (Springer), vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 53–60, 2019. (SCIE)
- Ratishchandra Huidrom, Yambem Jina Chanu, Khumanthem Manglem Singh, "Automated Lung Segmentation on Computed Tomography Image for the Diagnosis of Lung Cancer.", Computación y Sistemas, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 907–915, 2018. (SCOPUS)
- Ratishchandra Huidrom, Yambem Jina Chanu, Khumanthem Manglem Singh, "A fast automated lung segmentation method for the diagnosis of lung cancer.", 2017 IEEE Region 10 Conference – TENCON, pp. 1499–1502, 2017. (SCOPUS)
- Ratishchandra Huidrom, Yambem Jina Chanu, Khumanthem Manglem Singh, "A Study on Lung Segmentation for the Detection and Diagnosis of Lung Cancer.", vol. 6, no. 11, pp. 55–66, 2016.
Name: N. Dhanachanda
Batch: 2015
Research Area: Image Segmentation
List of Publication
- Image Segmentation Using K -means Clustering Algorithm and Subtractive Clustering Algorithm. Procedia Computer Science 54, 764-771,2015.
- A survey on image segmentation using clustering techniques. European Journal of Engineering Research and Science 2(1), 15-20, 2017.
- Image Segmentation Method using k-means clustering algorithm for color images. Advanced Research in Electrical and Electronic Engineering 2(11), 68-72, 2015.
- A new image segmentation method using k-means and kernel based subtractive clustering methods. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 12(20), 10458-10464, 2017.
- A new image segmentation technique using clustering and region merging techniques. Applications of Artificial Intelligence Technique in Engineering, 603-614, 2019.
Name: Hidangmayum Saxena Devi
List of Publication
- Devi, Hidangmayum Saxena, and Khumanthem Manglem Singh,”A Brief Survey on 3D Watermarking Techniques”, International Conference On Electronic Devices, Circuits, Applied Electronics and Communication Technology(EDCAECT 2015) , Depaetment of Electronics and Communication Technology, Gauhati university, gauhati assam., 8th,9th and 10th october, 2015.
- Devi, Hidangmayum Saxena, and Khumanthem Manglem Singh. "A Brief Survey on 3D Watermarking Techniques." Journal of Basic and Applied Engineering Research 2 (2015): 1644-1648.
- Devi, Hidangmayum Saxena, and Khumanthem Manglem Singh. "A novel, efficient, robust, and blind imperceptible 3d anaglyph image watermarking." Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 42.8 (2017): 3521-3533.
- Devi, Hidangmayum Saxena, Takyelpat Imphal, and Khumanthem Manglem Singh. "A robust and optimized 3d red-cyan anaglyph blind image watermarking in the dwt domain." Contemporary Engineering Sciences 9.32 (2016): 1575-1589.
Name: Sanasam Chanu Inunganbi
Batch: 2016(Summer)
List of Publication
- S. Inunganbi, A. Seal, P. Khanna, “Classification of Food Images Through Interactive Image Segmentation”, Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems. Springer, Cham, (pp. 519-528), 2018.
- S. Inunganbi, P. Choudhary, “Recognition of Handwritten Meitei Mayek Script Based on Texture Feature”, International Journal on Natural Language Computing”, 7(5), 99-108, 2018.
- SC. Inunganbi, P. Choudhary, “Recognition of Handwritten Meitei Mayek and English Alphabets using Combination of Spatial Feature”, International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications. Springer, Cham, (pp. 1133-1142), 2018.
- S. Inunganbi, P. Choudhary, “Recognition of Meitei Mayek using Statistical Texture and Histogram Features” The 2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Image Processing & Pattern Recognition, December 2018, (In Press)
Conference Attended
- S. Inunganbi, P. Choudhary, “Effect of Zoning in Meitei Mayek Recognition”, NCETACS (2018), Shillong
Name: Rajkumari Bidyalakshm Devi
Batch: 2015(Summer)
List of Publication
- Rajkumari Bidyalakshmi Devi, Esha Basrlaskar, Oinam Binarani Devi, Reingayung Ronra Shimray, “Survey on Evolutionary Computation Tech Techniques and Its Application in Different Fields” , International Journal on Information Theory (IJIT) 3 (3), 73-82, 2015.
- Rajkumari Bidyalakshmi Devi, Romesh Laishram, Yumanam Jayanta, “Modelling Objects Using Kernel Principal Component Analysis” , ADBU Journal of Engineering Technology 2 (1), 2015.
- Rajkumari Bidyalakshmi Devi, Yambem Jina Chanu, Khumanthem Manglem Singh, “A Survey on Different Background Subtraction Method for Moving Object Detection” , International Journal For Research in Emerging Science and Technology 3 (10).
Conference Attended
- Rajkumari Bidyalakshmi Devi, Yambem Jina Chanu, “A Review on Visual Object Tracking”, NCETACS 2018, Shillong.
Name: Thounaojam Korouhanbi Devi
Batch: summer, 2016
List of Publication
- T. K., Sharma, S., & Prakash, A. (2015). “Euler's Totient based Group Formation Scheme in VANET”. International Journal of Computer Applications, 120(5), 33-38.
Conference attended
- Th. Korouhanbi, Khelchandra Thongam, “A Comprehensive Study of Plant Disease Detection and Classification Technique”. (NCETACS 2018, shillong).
- T. K., Sharma, S., & Prakash, A , “New Cluster Formation Scheme for Vehicle Authentication in VANET“ (WECON 2015).
Name: Babyna Nandeibam
Batch: Summer 2016
Conference Attended
- Babyna Nandeibam, Khelchandra Thongam “Moving Vehicle Detection and Tracking Methods for Intelligent Traffic Management: A survey”, NCETACS 2018, Shillong.