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1. Vacuum coating unit with e-beam evaporator and 3 KW Power Supply

  • Model- 15F6D
  • Hind High vaccum co.(p)ltd. Bangalore

2. Source meter for I-V measurement

  • Model No. - 2400 Series Keithley

3. Fully Reflective Solar Simulator.

  • Model NO. -XYZ500TIS (SS150AAA)

4. Chiller machine

  • Model No. - ICON005DAX
  • Hind High vacuum co.(p)ltd. Bangalore

5. Precision LCR Meter

  • Model No. - E4980AL (20Hz-500Hz)


  • Model No. - 3532-50(42 Hz-5MHz)

7. Clean Air Systems

  • Class 10000 modular clean room system/facility (Laminar flow station, air shower, Biosafety hoods, fume exhaust system)
Research works
  1. Growth of nanostructure, Nano-column etc.
  2. Fabrication of nanowire arrays by e-beam evaporator using GLAD (glancing angle deposition technique) technique is done.
  3. Current (I) – Voltage (V) measurement for the fabricated device based detector.
  4. Capacitance of the fabricated device based detector can be measured.
Faculty In-charge

Dr. Wangkheirakpam Vandana Devi. Asst. Professor, Email [email protected]

Dr. Chitralekha Ngangbam, Asst. Professor, Email Id- [email protected]


Staff In-charge

Mrs. N. Debala Devi, Technical Assistant, Email ID: [email protected]