Welcome to Department of

R&D Projects

Name of PI_ Professor Aheibam Dinamani Singh

SL.No. Name of the Project
Year Organisation
1 Impact Assessment of Jan-Suvidha Centers at Bomdila, Singchung, Tezu, Namsi, Khonsa and Yingkiong, Arunachal Pradesh 2009 Department of Planning, Government of Arunachal Pradesh
2 A Prototype of Auto-Navigating E-Cart Using Multispectral Imaging 2019-2022 Meit Y, GoI

Name of PI_ Dr. L.Surajkumar Singh, Associate Professor

Sl.No. Name of the Project
Funding Agency Starting Year Duration Amount(in Rupees)
1 a. Air Quality Monitoring System (SMDP-C2SD)  Meit Y, GoI
2015 5 Years 95.1 Lakhs
  b. Soil Moisture Detection and Early Warning System for Large agricultural Fields(SMDP-C2SD)
2. Modelling a Low Cost Independent andAdaptive Traffic Controller DST, manipur 2019 1 Year 90,000/-

Name of PI_Dr. Ashish Ranjan, Associate Professor

SL No. Name of the project Funding Agency Starting Year Duration Amount(in Rupees)
1 Behavioral Changes of Oral Mucosa in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCS) progression:An Electrical Characterization DST-SERB 2023 3 years Rs. 40,73740/-

Name of PI_ Dr. L.Surajkumar Singh, Associate Professor

SL No. Name of the Project Funding Agency Starting Year Duration Amount(in Rupees)
1 Smart Energy Meter with IOT capabilities and localized power conditioning Meit Y, GoI 2023 5 years  109.5 Lakhs