Mtech Admission Procedure

SEAT MATRIX OF M.Tech at NIT Manipur-2017

Sl.No. Department Specialisation OC OB SC ST OC PWD OB PWD SC PWD ST PWD TOTAL
1 Civil Engineering Environmental and Water Resources Engineering 7 4 2 1 1 0 0 0 15
2 Computer Science & Engg. Computer Science 8 4 2 1 0 0 0 0 15
3 Electronics & Communication Engineering VLSI Design & Embedded Systems 8 4 2 1 0 0 0 0 15
4 Electrical Engineering Power System & Control System 8 4 2 1 0 0 0 0 15
5 Mechanical Engineering Thermal and Fluids Engineering 6 4 3 2 0 0 0 0 15
    Total 37 20 11 6 1 0 0 0 75

For details please, click here


Admission Procedure for M. Tech, July 2017
Reporting Date: 24th July - 31st July, 2017.

Documents Required:

  • Provisional Seat allotment letter downloaded from the CCMT website
  • GATE score card 2015/ 2016 / 2017
  • Photo ID proof as per Govt. of India norms
  • Certificate of Date of Birth issued by competent authority or Class (High School Board) Certificate as proof of date of birth
  • Mark Sheet of Class XII
  • Grade/Mark Sheets of qualifying degree examination for all semesters
  • Degree / Provisional certificate, if qualifying degree is completed. If result of qualifying degree is awaited, then attach declaration form for the late submission of qualifying examination certificate (downloaded)
  • Certificate of Category (OBC/SC/ST), if applicable, as per Government of India, issued by the competent authority. In case of OBC category, the certificate must be issued on or after April 1, 2017
  • Undertaking by the candidate regarding OBC status, if applicable
  • Certificate for Persons With Disabilities (PWD), if applicable
  • Proof of payment
  • Migration Certificate from last Institute/University attended
  • Conduct Certificate from head of the institution last attended
  • Transfer Certificate from the head of the institution last attendedt
  • Passport size photographs 2 Nos.
  • Anti Ragging Affidavit Click here..
  • All the Certificates should be brought along with Original for verification.

Admission Procedure:

  • Come to the Institute (NIT Manipur Langol Campus) with all required documents and as stated above.
    • M.Tech: 24th - 31st of July, 2017.
  • Collect or Download (i) Admission forms (Click here) (ii) Hostel form (Click here) .
  • Pay the remaining BALANCE INSTITUTE FEES. Details:

Total Fees = Rs 50900/- (Admission) + Rs 25,740/- (Hostel) = Rs. 76,640/-

Sl.No. Round Amount Paid (Seat Acceptance + Seat Confirmation) in Rs Balance Institute Fees (Rs)
1 Normal (Gen/OBC) 30,000 46,640
2 NSR (Gen/OBC) 40,000 36,640
3   10,000 66,640
4 NSR (SC/ST) If Scholarship Deduction (Rs 35,000 Waived) 31,640
  • All payments have to be made only through Demand draft (in favour of : Director, NIT Manipur, payable at ICICI, Lamphel Branch, Imphal). Detail of fee is provided at the last page.
  • SUBMIT the duly filled (i) Admission form, (ii) Hostel form duly signed by Parents (iii) Anti Ragging affidavit and (iv) Demand Draft and (v) all required Documents at Admission Counter and collect the ACKNOWLEDGMENT SLIP and Hostel Form.
  • After admission is over, Go to Hostel, submit the Hostel form for the room allotment.


Students are advised to bring the balance amount of admission and Hostel only after deducting the payment they make during Provisional admission CCMT (for M.Tech).

For M.Tech (2017-2018 Batch)

Sl.No. Items Fees (Rs)
    1st sem 2nd sem 3rd sem 4th sem
1 Admission fee (one time) 1000 1000 1000 1000
2 Tuition fee 35000 35000 35000 35000
3 All other fees 2000 2000 2000 2000
4 Institution Development fees 5000 0 0 0
5 Students activity fee 1000 1000 1000 1000
6 Medical Insurance & OPD facility fees (per annum) 1200 0 1200 0
7 Caution money (Refundable) 5000 0 0 0
8 Alumni fee 0 0 0 300
9 Degree Certificate fee 0 0 0 500
10 Smart ID fee 200 0 200 0
11 Grade Card fee 500 500 500 500
Total 50900 38500 39900 39300

SC/ST students need not pay tuition fee as per MHRD guidelines in all semester.


Sl.No. Items Fees (Rs)
    1st sem 2nd sem 3rd sem 4th sem
1 Hostel Admission fee 500 00 00 00
2 Hostel Rent 2500 2500 2500 2500
3 Light and Water 1000 1000 1000 1000
4 Hostel Caution Money 5000 0 0 0
5 Mess Charge 16740 16740 16740 16740
Total 25740 20240 20240 20240

Mess charge may be changed during semester end and refunded in case of surplus or additional amount may be charged according to actual expenditure.

Dr. Potsangbam Albino Kumar

[email protected]
Coordinator, M. Tech Admission